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All soul (2023) | download Hollywood movie


 Movie TITLE: All soul

Movie director: Emmanuella Pickett

TIME DURATION: 1hr 20min

MOVIE SUMMARY :  In the shadowy realm where law enforcement collides with the underworld, a young woman finds herself at the epicenter of a high-stakes gamble. Pressured by the police, she reluctantly steps into the role of an undercover operative, tasked with infiltrating the clandestine operations of a local drug cartel. As the thin line between her true identity and the fabricated persona she adopts begins to blur, the complexities of loyalty and betrayal become a constant tightrope walk, and the consequences of her choices ripple through the dangerous underbelly she is now entangled with.

Amid the gritty landscape of this covert mission, the young woman grapples with the moral intricacies of her dual existence. The demands of law enforcement and the harsh realities of the drug trade converge, placing her in a precarious position where survival hinges on her ability to navigate the treacherous paths of deception and trust.
